
Journey Journal
Each week we provide free printable journal sheets. But we have another option – a convenient, spiral-bound journal with almost 2 years of weekly journal sheets, enough for a complete Bible-reading cycle in Journey. Chronicle your walk with God as you grow in your Christian life.


Kings of IsraelKings of Israel – Free Download
This chart will help you keep the kings straight when reading the Old Testament. Fold it in half and keep it in your Bible for handy reference. 



World Prayer MapWorld Prayer Map – Free Download
Most Saturdays in Journey we watch a prayer video and pray for the nations.  Use this printable map to color each country you pray for, or see Wall Map of the World below.  Watch as your prayers begin to cover the world!


Wall Map of the World
Post this large map on the wall, locate countries as you pray for them in Journey, and mark them with a star sticker or push pin.



The TabernacleThe Tabernacle 
This pamphlet will be of great help when reading Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, or Hebrews. The full-color diagrams show the layout and furnishings of the Old Testament Tabernacle.



The Student Bible AtlasThe Student Bible Atlas
If you find maps helpful, consider this atlas. Thirty full-color maps illustrate events from Abraham to the New Testament.



My Bible Coloring BookMy Bible Coloring Book: A Fun Way for Kids to Color Through the Bible — from Genesis to Revelation! 
If you have little ones, this may be the perfect solution to finding time for Journey each day. Let them color one of the 119 pictures while you listen to the daily Journey reading.


My Father's World

My Father’s World
Complete homeschool and Christian school curriculum, Preschool – High School