January 16-22


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Print Journal Page (or use Journey Journal)

Watch 3 video clips:

John 8 – Listen/read and journal: What does today’s passage tell you about Jesus? What is God saying to your heart? How will you respond?

Look back at the chapter, especially the parts that you highlighted. Journal (use printable page) and/or discuss with others – What does today’s passage tell you about Jesus? What is God saying to your heart? How will you respond?

    • You can do this alone, just you and God, journaling in your room or outside in your yard. When you journal, let your words be part of a conversation with God, a conversation He initiated in today’s chapter.
    • Or connect with a friend by phone or in person and share your journals daily or weekly.
    • Families: This John study is designed for all ages. Give young children paper and crayons; have them draw something they hear while the family is listening. Advanced readers can look at their Bibles as the audio is played; others can just listen. After that, all can journal, using plain paper, and then share what they are learning.

Song: There Was Jesus


Watch 2 video clips:

John 9 – Listen/read and journal: What does today’s passage tell you about Jesus? What is God saying to your heart? How will you respond?

Song: What a Beautiful Name

If you have time, watch this 3-minute overview of John


Watch 2 video clips:

John 10 – Listen/read and journal: What does today’s passage tell you about Jesus? What is God saying to your heart? How will you respond?

Song: The Good Shepherd


Watch 3 video clips:

John 11 – Listen/read and journal: What does today’s passage tell you about Jesus? What is God saying to your heart? How will you respond?

Song: Rescue Story – As you listen, let your heart speak these words to Jesus.


Watch 2 video clips:

John 12 – Listen/read and journal: What does today’s passage tell you about Jesus? What is God saying to your heart? How will you respond?

Song: We Bow Low – Join with worshippers from many nations, including Iran, China, France, and the deaf community.


Watch 2 video clips:

John 13 – Listen/read and journal: What does today’s passage tell you about Jesus? What is God saying to your heart? How will you respond?

Song: No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus – Enjoy Jesus’ presence as you listen.


Watch 2 video clips:

John 14 – Listen/read and journal: What does today’s passage tell you about Jesus? What is God saying to your heart? How will you respond?

Song: Be Still