Special Announcement: Now’s the time to tell your friends about Journey. Monday, July 17th, is a big day. We begin a new cycle through the Bible, starting at Genesis! Help us get the word out to your friends, family, small groups, and churches. You might gather several friends and begin a weekly Journey coffee and discussion group. Let your pastor know about the free Journey blog. Read through the entire Bible in just under two years and learn how to enjoy conversations with God at JourneyEveryday.com.
New to Journey? Begin here.
Print Journal Page (or use Journey Journal)
Revelation 8-11 –Listen as you read in your Bible, underlining or highlighting sections that especially speak to you. Then use those sections to journal your thoughts to God.
Song: Hallelujah Chorus
Revelation 12 –Listen/read and journal.
Song: Overcome
Revelation 13-16 –Listen/read and journal.
Song: Hymn of Heaven
Watch this video about the day of the Lord.
Revelation 17-19 –Listen/read and journal.
Song: Revelation Song
Watch this video about heaven and earth.
Revelation 20-22 –Listen/read and journal.
Song: One Day – (For lyrics, click on subtitles/closed captions.)
Song: Psalm 148
Psalm 149 –Listen/read and journal.
Video: Psalm 150
“‘Look, I am coming soon! … Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.’ … Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.” – Revelation 22:12-20