Do you want to…
✓ know God better?
✓ be consistent in Bible reading?
✓ understand the big story of the Bible?
✓ read the entire Bible in just under two years?
✓ learn to enjoy conversations with God through prayer?
Then welcome to Journey: Conversations with God. Be sure to read our Introduction before you begin.
Video: Watch The Hope: Introduction. Journey schedules a variety of short, informative videos at key points in your reading.
Genesis 1-2 – Listen (click on “Listen” for audio link) as you read in your Bible. You’ll be surprised how much more you understand and retain by combining reading and hearing. As you read, underline or highlight sections that especially speak to you. Then use those sections to journal your thoughts to God (Journey Journal or printable sheet). You will do this each day. (The audio link is set to NIV; after you click on it, change versions if you prefer.)
Song: Hope of the Broken World – Some days include a song. As you listen, be aware of God’s Presence and continue your conversation with Him.
Hint: Bookmark this page to easily find it each day. On an iPhone, select “share” icon on your phone and then “Add to Home Screen.” You may need to select “Add” at the top of your screen or “Done” at the bottom. You’ll see a box on your phone’s screen with “J” for Journey.
Before we continue in Genesis let’s take a day to focus on conversations with God. Prayer doesn’t have to be difficult or dry or boring. Praying the Bible is an amazing concept that we’ll use every day on Journey. Don’t worry; your prayers don’t need to be as detailed as in this video!
Now grab a pen and find Psalm 23 in your Bible. Read and listen, marking words that speak to you. Then use your Journey Journal (or printable sheet) to journal your thoughts to God using words and concepts from Psalm 23.
Song: Psalm 23
We’ll be back in Genesis tomorrow. Remember, this isn’t a reading assignment. It’s about a relationship, spending precious time every day with the One who loves you best, learning how to have real conversations with Him.
If you have time, here’s a short video (with real sheep!) about Psalm 23.
Genesis 3-5 –Listen/read and journal.
Then read this post about Overcoming.
Genesis 6-8 –Listen/read and journal.
Video: Watch The Hope: Prelude to the Promise.
Genesis 9-11 – Listen/read and journal.
Psalm 1:2 speaks of one “whose delight is in the law of the LORD.” The word “law” is actually “Torah” in Hebrew, the language most of the Old Testament was written in. The Torah is the first five books of the Bible. The writer is saying he delights in God’s Word and thinks about it day and night. May you be blessed as you delight in God’s Word and let it richly dwell in you.
Song: Psalm 1 – The Psalms were written as songs to be sung. When possible, instead of reading a psalm, we’ll listen to a music video.
Song: Psalm 8 – As you listen, ponder God’s majesty and amazing creation. Spend time outside today with your family, enjoying nature and each other.
The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it. – Psalm 24:1