Watch 3 video clips:
Acts 23-24 – Listen as you read in your Bible, underlining or highlighting sections that especially speak to you. Then use those sections to journal your thoughts to God.
Song: Oceans – Paul learned to trust, to depend on God’s grace in all circumstances. Is God asking you to step out into a difficult situation with confidence in His presence?
Watch 2 video clips:
Acts 25 – Listen/read and journal.
Song/Prayer: Hear Us from Heaven
Watch a video clip:
Acts 26 – Listen/read and journal.
Song: No Longer Slaves – Paul knows he’s free, even though he’s in chains.
Watch 3 video clips:
Acts 27 – Listen/read and journal.
Song/Film: God Who Sees – God sees you when you’re broken or lonely or about to give up. Surviving the storm seemed impossible, but God saw Paul and had a plan. As you listen, thank God for how He has been in your life, and pray for those who come to mind that need Him.
Watch this summary of Acts.
Watch 3 video clips:
Acts 28 – Listen/read and journal.
Song/Prayer: Shine (based on Psalm 67) – God, we ask for your blessings so that we can use our abundance to bless others and all nations can know Your goodness.
Watch this video and pray for Italy. Rome and Italy are significant locations in the book of Acts.
Psalm 35 – Listen/read and journal.
Song: Psalm 34 – Here’s a song based on Psalm 34, last week’s psalm. We liked the song so much we decided to include it here.
Do you sometimes wonder what to write in your journal, in your conversation with God? I often use His words from that day’s reading. It’s really powerful. Watch this video for a five-minute example of “praying the Bible.” Don’t worry, your prayers don’t need to be this long!
Psalm 37 – Listen/read and use the words in this psalm to journal your thoughts to God.