Week 14

Father, King of All,
As we read through Acts, we ask that Your Kingdom would come in our needy world, that Your will would be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Remind us that the power of Your Spirit is in ordinary people – each of us — as we walk with You.


First watch this video about the Holy Spirit:

Then watch a video clip: (We’ll watch only the most helpful clips in this Acts series.)

Acts 2 – Listen as you read in your Bible, underlining or highlighting sections that especially speak to you. Then use those sections to journal your thoughts to God.

Song: Holy Spirit Come


Watch a video clip:

Acts 3 – Listen/read and journal.

Song: Waymaker – How has God been a waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness in your life? Who can you share this with?


Watch 2 video clips:

Acts 4 – Listen/read and journal.

Song: Your Name – Jesus is the only name by which we may be saved. How will you be part of spreading that good news to all people?


Peter says “We are witnesses of these things” about Jesus (verse 32). For more insight, watch this video.

Watch 2 video clips:

Acts 5 – Listen/read and journal.

Song: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (For lyrics, click on subtitles/closed captions.) – Rejection, suffering, physical pain didn’t stop the early disciples. Their eyes were on God’s glory, not their momentary troubles. They rejoiced and never stopped telling others. What is our focus in times of trouble?


Watch 2 video clips:

Acts 6 – Listen/read and journal.

Song: Goodness of God – Would you be confident of God’s goodness if faced with lies and death threats like Stephen? In 155 A.D, the Romans arrested a follower of Jesus (Polycarp). He was given an opportunity to save his life by denying Jesus. His answer: “Eighty six years I have served Him, and He has done me no wrong. How then can I blaspheme my King and Savior?”


Watch this video and pray for Cyprus. Barnabas was from Cyprus. 

Psalm 25 – Listen/read and journal.


Psalm 26 – Listen/read and journal.

Find a quiet spot and let God speak to you with this video by John Piper, “God Wrote a Book.” He wakens our dead, bored souls. He inspires, guides, empowers us to make our lives count. If we stay in bed, we miss the miracle!